The Spectacular Tournament of Playwrights returns to The Acorn! This 10-minute play writing competition is open to writers across the United States to bring top-tier original works to the area. To submit your entry for the competition, please follow the link below and complete the form, where you will be able to upload your script .
May 31st, 2024 is the submission deadline to take part in this competition.
From there, we will distribute your scripts anonymously to our reading committee to select our top 6 finalists. We will be announcing the finalists on August 1st!
The top 6 finalists will have the opportunity to see their production brought to life on The Acorn stage, interpreted by actors and directors in our community. The night will conclude with the selection of a winner to be announced on the stage, including cash prizes of $500 to the first place winner, $200 to second place, and $100 to third place.
As it says in the description, this competition is for plays with a full runtime of 10 minutes. With the element of performing those shows on stage, we are working to highlight the work itself rather than relying on effects or elaborate sets. With the element of a changeover and quick strike, we are keeping set pieces, props, and costumes quite minimal. Please be sure to include any major elements of this production (as it relates to props or sets) that will help make your production shine. Writers will not be involved in the production side of these performances.
Please direct any questions to